ClinicianConnect Web Release Notes

March 7, 2024

Our goal is to help you improve your clinical efficiency and productivity with ClinicianConnect. That's why we are constantly updating our platform with new features and enhancements that make your work easier and faster. Here are some of the latest improvements we have made:

  • Save time when assigning patient profiles to clinicians and subgroups. You can now reassign patients to clinicians or subgroups in-bulk within moments, all from the Patient List. You can also cut down on the time you spend assigning newly created patient profiles by selecting their clinician right within the profile creation window.
  • See who is calling or texting you in ClinicianConnect. When you receive a call or text message through our platform, you’ll see a larger and more prominently placed notification. 
  • Find what you’re looking for faster. When opening a dropdown list, you can use our new search feature to type in what you’re looking for (rather than scrolling down to find it).

Continue reading to learn more about the new features and improvements in ClinicianConnect.

Improvement: Refining the Look and Feel of the Patient List  

You'll notice slight changes to the ClinicianConnect Patient List that help you quickly customize your experience and easily use the list to review patients and complete tasks. These changes include:

  • Two new Bulk Action icons, one each for:
    • Reassigning patients between clinicians and subgroups
    • Generating and downloading patient data
  • A new checkbox on the left side of the patient list for quickly selecting multiple patients.
  • In the bottom-left corner, your organization’s total patient count and the number of patients you’ve selected when you use the Bulk Action buttons.
  • A more prominent placement for the “Columns” button that you can use to show or hide any of the 20+ informational columns that the Patient List can display.

CC2 1.150 - Grand Canyon Release - Patient List UI

New Feature: Bulk Assign Patient Profiles to a Different Clinician or Subgroup

No more reassigning patients one-by-one! With as few as the three clicks of your mouse (or taps on your computer’s track pad), you can quickly reassign multiple patient profiles from one clinician to another.

The new Bulk Assignment feature is available within the ClinicianConnect Patient List tab. You’ll see the icon (explain what it looks like) near the top-left corner of the patient list.

To use this new feature, click on the Bulk Assignment icon and select the patient profiles you want to reassign. After that, choose the clinician and click the “Assign” button.

CC 1.150 - Bulk Assign (1)

New Feature: Assign a Clinician When Creating a Patient Profile

To save you an extra step, we’ve added the “Assign Clinician” dropdown box to the “Add Patient” pop-up window. Now you can fill in your patient’s information and assign them to their clinician all from a single page! Don’t forget that you can now search this dropdown list to find the exact clinician you’re looking for.

CC2 1.150 - Type to Search Feature

New Feature: Glucose Non-Adherence Risk Setting Now Available

When creating a glucose non-adherence risk setting in ClinicianConnect, you can now select the time window either by ‘hours’ or by ‘day’. ClinicianConnect will display the non-adherence risk alert for Glucose in the expected app locations as well, including on the Patient List and on the Alerts tab.

New Feature: Additional Color-Coding Option for Patient List

Your organization can customize the background coloring of your Patient List even further with the introduction of a “blank” background color. With this setting enabled, ClinicianConnect displays a “blank” coloration (e.g., “empty” or no coloring) in the instance that the patient hasn’t submitted a metric yet and no risk alert (medium  /high) exists to override the blank/empty coloration.

NOTE: To enable this new feature, you’ll need the help of an HRS staff member. Contact your HRS representative to learn more.  

Improvement: New Layout for On-Screen Call and Text Message Notifications

The pop-up notifications that you receive when you have an incoming call, or a new text message are larger and stay on the screen longer. The new layout prominently displays the incoming call or new text. The pop-up also stays on the screen for up to 90 seconds (or until the user interacts with the notification).


Improvement: Password Rules Now Available on All Password-Related Pages

To help you quickly review your organization’s unique password rules for ClinicianConnect, you can now review your organization’s password rules on every password-related page, including:

  • Add / Edit Clinician
  • Clinician Settings
  • “Password Reset Required” Login Screen
  • “Reset Password” Login Screen

Improvement: Customize Your Experience Using “Notes”

We’re customizing the experience that a client can have when using the “Notes” feature in ClinicianConnect. At an environment-wide level, your organization can:

  • Set the “Time Spent” field as mandatory and require the user to provide an answer.
  • Hide or display the “Edit Note” button.
  • Hide or display the “Delete Note” button.
  • Add options for “Communication Type”, “Communication Result”, and/or “Interventions”.

NOTE: To enable or disable any of the above customizations, the client will require the assistance of an HRS staff member. Changes to their environment must be made in HRS Admin.

Improvement: Survey Submissions to Display as Fractions in ClinicianConnect

When you view your patients’ submissions for the Survey task, you’ll see a fractional value that represents the number of questions answered. For example, if a patient only answered 5 of 10 questions in the survey, you’ll see “5/10”. If they answered all 10, you’ll see “10/10”. Previously, ClinicianConnect users would only see “Complete” when reviewing their patient’s submission.

      ClinicianConnect Grand Canyon - Survey

New Feature: Save Time with Type-to-Search in Dropdown Lists

When you open a dropdown menu, you’ll see a new Search text box that you can use to quickly type in your selection and have ClinicianConnect filter the list for you.

Type-to-search feature added:

  • Within the Add Device window…
    • The “Device” list.
  • Within the Assign Clinician window…
    • The “Assign Patient to Clinician” list.
    • The “Subgroup” list.
  • Within the Add Patient window…
    • The “Assign Patient to Clinician” list.
    • The “Subgroup” list.
  • Within the Patient Settings window…
    • The “Subgroup” list.

ClinicianConnect Grand Canyon - Search

Bug Fixes

We are committed to providing you with the best clinical virtual care platform on the market. That's why we constantly work on improving ClinicianConnect and fixing any issues that may affect your user experience.

In this latest software release, we have resolved some bugs that were impacting a subset of our users and causing them some inconvenience. We hope that this update will enhance your satisfaction and productivity with ClinicianConnect.

October 3rd, 2023

We’re introducing a new unit of measurement for our Glucose health task and addressing a few bugs impacting our clients. 

New Feature: Millimoles per Liter (mmol/L) Available as Unit of Measurement for Glucose 

To better support our non-U.S. users, our software platforms now offer Millimoles per Liter (mmol/L) as a unit of measurement for our Glucose health task.

PatientConnect users will automatically see and hear their care organization’s preferred unit of measurement. The Glucose health task will display mmol/L within the manual and Bluetooth submission pages, and it will also read-aloud “mmol/L” during Bluetooth submission (if the read-aloud function is enabled and the user’s volume is turned on). 


Bug Fixes

It our goal and responsibility to you that we make ClinicianConnect the easiest-to-use clinical virtual care platform available.

To help us achieve this, we've addressed a few experiential items that impacted a percentage of our users and prevented them from having the best experience possible when using ClinicianConnect. 

July 27, 2023

New Feature: Introducing Multi-Factor Authentication for ClinicianConnect 

Your information becomes even safer with the introduction of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for ClinicianConnect. MFA empowers your organization to create customized login authentication requirements with the assistance of an HRS staff member.

In addition to Multi-Factor Authentication, HRS is now providing a tailor-fitted password experience that features the industry's best password security recommendations. With this, HRS created a host of customizable options, including:  

  • How often the user must complete the MFA login (i.e., every ‘X’ hours). 
  • How long the user can stay idle before they are automatically logged out (i.e., a maximum of ‘X’ minutes). 
  • How often the user must log in before their account is automatically locked (i.e., at least once every ‘X’ days). 
  • Which characters are required for a password (i.e., at least 1 alphanumeric character).
  • How often the user must update their password (i.e., every 'X' days).

The use of MFA is optional, but HRS encourages its use to protect your and your patients’ information.

Is your organization interested in using MFA or enhancing their password security for ClinicianConnect? Contact your HRS representative for more information!  

Note: This does not impact organizations that use single sign-on (SSO) login.



New Feature: Enhanced Risk Calculation System 

To better serve our clients and guarantee the most accurate and thorough availability of patient information possible, HRS expanded our real-time risk calculation system. The new version of this system better processes PatientConnect user health submissions that ClinicianConnect could not process immediately due to a delay in receiving the submission.



New Feature: Millimoles Per Liter (“mmol/L”) Available as a Unit of Measure for Glucose 

Care teams now have the option to measure their glucose readings in millimoles per liter (mmol/L).

By contacting your HRS representative, your organization can enable mmol/L as your preferred unit of measurement within ClinicianConnect.



Improvement: Additional Reimbursement Codes Available in ClinicianConnect 

ClinicianConnect users gain access to three more reimbursement codes: G0320, G0321, and G0322. These codes are available for you when you create or update a Note and you can select them within the Encounter Type dropdown menu. Additionally, these codes will now appear within your Reimbursement Report.

G0320: Home health services furnished using synchronous telemedicine rendered via a real-time video telecommunications system. 

G0321: Home health services furnished using synchronous telemedicine rendered via telephone or other real-time interactive audio-only telecommunications system. 

G0322: The collection of physiologic data digitally stored and/or transmitted by the patient to the home health agency (for example, remote patient monitoring).


ClinicianConnect provides access to more than 20 reimbursement codes - empowering care teams to better track the care they provide.



Improvement: A More Efficient Layout for the Patient Profile Basic Information Card

To improve user efficiency and better organize patient information, HRS reorganized the order of information within the Patient Profile’s Basic Information Card.

The Basic Information Card features a more intuitive layout, while users will continue seeing all the information that was previously available.




New Feature: Two New Time Zone Designations Available

We've expanded our time zone coverage to include Atlantic Time and Newfoundland Time. No matter what your patient's "home" time is in North America, you can now choose that zone within their profile no matter where they are! 



April 18, 2023

The Denali Release provides numerous ClinicianConnect bug fixes for usability and security and functional improvements on Notes and Zoom:

Improvement: ClinicianConnect Video Call Window Experiential Updates for Zoom Users

  • If you are a Zoom user, you’ll see a few targeted enhancements to how you receive notification of an incoming call and how ClinicianConnect displays the in-app call window.

Improvement: Table Sorting Optimizations for the Submission Request History column

  • On ClinicianConnect’s Inventory page, within the Tablets tab, you’ll see the Submission Request History column organize content: 
    • With the most recently submitted request appearing at the top of the list by default.
  • If you customize / filter the tablet’s results, it will return to the default sorting order when you navigate away from the page.

Improvement: Refinement to How a User Can Close the ClinicianConnect Notes Modal  

  • The Notes modal will only close if the user clicks on 1 of 3 buttons they see on their screen:
    • Save
    • Close
    • X
  • Clicking outside of the Notes modal no longer closes the note.

Improvement: Accessibility Update Made to Submit PatientDirect Request Function

  • Within the Submit PatientDirect Request form, the “Edit” and “X” buttons will now appear clickable when you:
    • Hover your cursor over the button.
    • Use the Tab function to cycle through all buttons within the form.

Improvement: Update Text Styling on the Assign Clinician to Subgroup Dropdown Menu

  • If you attempt to add a clinician to many subgroups using the Assign Clinician to Subgroup dropdown menu, the “Clear All” button is easier to click on after you’ve selected multiple subgroups. 

August 23, 2022

The Channel Islands Release provides a few targeted system updates to ClinicianConnect, including:
  • Backend enhancements that further empower HRS to support care teams and patients alike.
  • Bug fixes that improve the overall user experience.

June 28, 2022

The Cascades Release provides a few targeted updates for ClinicianConnect, adds to our continuous efforts to enhance safety and security, and empowers our teams to better assist you with a few behind-the-scenes improvements!

Edited Pulse Oximeter and Glucose Readings Displaying Within the Historical Tab 

  • Alleviated instances of edits to pulse oximeter and glucose readings not accurately recording and displaying in ClinicianConnect’s Historical Data tab.

Case-Sensitivity for Zip Code Values Impacting Specific SHP-Integrated Clients  

  • SHP-integrated clients seeing case-sensitivity limiting ClinicianConnect’s acceptance of Zip Codes will no longer experience this issue.

General Security Improvements and Enhancements  

  • The safety and security of your information is of the utmost importance to us. We’re continually working to provide the most secure system possible! 

June 2, 2022

Improvements: Platform Stability and System/Tablet Communication

Infrastructure upgrades to ClinicianConnect improve the accuracy, consistency, and timeliness of the Current Status field, located within a patient profile’s Tablet Information section.

Improving the accuracy, consistency, and timeliness of the Current Status field provides ClinicianConnect users with greater real-time insight into a patient tablet’s status.

Additionally, with heightened communication between the HRS system and all patient tablets, care teams and patients will see a reduction in instances of:

  • Video calls, voice calls, or text messages from ClinicianConnect to a patient’s tablet not connecting or displaying correctly.
  • Changes to a patient’s care plan or updates to a patient’s status made in ClinicianConnect not properly saving and showing on the patient’s tablet.


Care teams and patients mutually benefit from the accuracy, consistency, and timeliness of the Current State field as it is necessary for real-time communication between ClinicianConnect and a patient's tablet.

May 5, 2022

Reports Services Scheduled Security Update from Tableau Server

To guarantee the most up-to-date platform security available, HRS implemented a scheduled upgrade from Tableau Server. This upgrade provided routine maintenance and security updates and did not alter user experience within ClinicianConnect, or impact client and clinician workflow within the Reports tab.

May 3, 2022

More ways to receive reimbursement arrive with the introduction of eight new CPT Codes to ClinicianConnect’s Encounter Type dropdown list! This update also refines three existing CPT Codes and improves your experience with a few more improvements and bug fixes.

Improvement: Eight CPT Codes Added to Encounter Type Dropdown List

Our list of available CPT Codes grows with the introduction of eight new entries in the Encounter Type dropdown. Learn more about each code:

  • Chronic Care Management (CCM)
    • CCM-99437: Any subsequent 30 minutes of CCM services by a physician or non-physician practitioner in a calendar month.
    • CCM-99439: Each additional 20 minutes of time spent by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional providing non-complex CCM.
    • CCM-99491: Initial 30 minutes of CCM services by a physician or other qualified health care professional, per calendar month.
  • Principal Care Management (PCM)
    • PCM-99424 (previously G2064): Initial 30 minutes of PCM services by a physician or qualified health care professional for a single high-risk disease state, per calendar month
    • PCM-99425: Subsequent 30 minutes of PCM services by a physician or qualified health care professional for a single high-risk disease state, per calendar month
    • PCM-99426 (previously G2065): Initial 30 minutes of PCM services by clinical staff for a single high-risk disease state, per calendar month
    • CM-99427: Subsequent 30 minutes of PCM services by clinical staff for a single high-risk disease state, per calendar month
  • Care Management – Rural Health Clinic / Federally Qualified Health Center
    • CM-RHC-FQHC-G0511: 20 minutes or more of clinical staff time on care management services (for Rural Health Clinics and FQHC only)


Improvement: Individually Select Between RPM-99457 and RPM-99458

Previously grouped together as one selection, ClinicianConnect’s Encounter Type dropdown listing for RPM-99457 and RPM-99458 will split into unique, individual options. This offers clinicians the ability to choose which of the two codes applies to the specific encounter they are reimbursing for.



Improvement: Restricting Submissions of Identical Readings with the Same Exact Timestamp

You will no longer receive duplicated readings in ClinicianConnect if a patient submits multiple identical readings with the exact same timestamp. ClinicianConnect will now only show the reading once.

Please note, ClinicianConnect will continue to record multiple identical readings so long as they have different timestamps.

Improvement: Expired “Reset Password” Link Automatically Redirects

To simplify and expedite the password reset process, the “Reset Your Password” link will automatically redirect to ClinicianConnect’s “Forgot Your Password?” page upon its expiration (30 minutes after you received the link).

Improvement: Increased Loading Speed for the "Assign Patient to Clinician" Dropdown

You'll notice an overall increase in how quickly your "Assign Patient to Clinician" dropdown menu populates with all your available clinicians. This improved loading speed can vary slightly based on the number of clinicians available to select from.

Bug Fixes:

Improved user experience across our platform and fine-tuned ClinicianConnect’s performance to better serve our clients and clinicians.

March 24, 2022

The latest version of ClinicianConnect introduces the EMR Medications Table – a simple and effect way for users to create, edit, and remove medications from a patient’s profile.

Please note, this upgrade to ClinicianConnect will only be available to eligible EMR-integrated clients and it requires the completion of additional, newly available data fields.

If you are interested in adding the EMR Medications Table, please inform your Client Success Manager.

New Feature: ClinicianConnect’s EMR Medications Table

The EMR Medications Table streamlines workflows and eliminates the manual process for creating, editing, and removing medication reminders. This is done through the seamless import of medications from a client’s EMR system into ClinicianConnect.

1.1 - Med Reminder Table-EMR Meds Table Closeup

Once an import to the EMR Medications Table completes, ClinicianConnect notifies the user that a new entry is available for their review. Alert icons appear within the EMR Medications Table (pictured above) as well as ClinicianConnect's Notification Bar (pictured below).

1.2 - New Meds from EMR Window

Through the click of a few buttons, users can review and accept a patient’s prescribed medications – creating the patient’s medication reminder in the process. Just select the checkbox for any medicine you'd like to add and click "Add Selected Medications" followed by "Save" to automatically add an EMR Medications Table item to the Medication Reminders Table.

1.3 - EMR Meds Table with Tool Tips

EMR-integrated clients interested in adding the EMR Medications Table to their ClinicianConnect experience should contact their Client Success Manager.

March 8, 2022

Bug Fix: ClinicianConnect Users Experiencing Delay When Typing in Notes

  • Alleviation of the delay between an individual keystroke and the respective character appearing within the Notes tab that some users recently reported experiencing. Users experiencing this delay will notice improvement in two locations:
    • When accessing a patient’s profile and typing within Quick Notes' free text box
    • When accessing a patient’s profile and typing within the “Add Note” function’s free text box

February 8, 2022

Improvement: Additional CMS Reimbursement (CPT) Codes Available Within ClinicianConnect’s Patient Note Encounter Type Dropdown Menu

  • To further empower our clients and to maintain alignment with the most recent Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) update, ClinicianConnect users will see the addition of six Reimbursement (CPT) Codes to the existing Encounter Type Dropdown Menu, including:
    • RPM - 99091: Collection and interpretation of data by physician or QHCP, 30 minutes
    • RTM - 98975: Initial set-up and patient education on use of equipment for respiratory system status and musculoskeletal system status
    • RTM - 98976 (Respiratory): Remote therapeutic monitoring, device(s) with scheduled recording and/or programmed alert transmission to monitor respiratory system, each 30 days
    • RTM - 98977 (Musculoskeletal): Remote therapeutic monitoring, device(s) with scheduled recording and/or programmed alert transmission to monitor musculoskeletal system, each 30 days
    • RTM - 98980: Remote therapeutic monitoring services by clinical staff/MD/QHCP first 20 cumulative minutes of RPM services over a 30-day period. Requiring at least one interactive communication within the calendar month.
    • RTM - 99881: Remote therapeutic monitoring services by clinical staff/MD/QHCP each additional 20 cumulative minutes of RPM services over a 30-day period. Requiring at least one interactive communication within the calendar month.
  • As part of this update users will notice the reorganization and updated naming of CPT Codes. This improves code clarity and aligns the dropdown menu’s nomenclature and code definitions with the official CMS naming system.

New Feature: Addition of a PC Mobile tab to the ClinicianConnect Inventory Page

  • ClinicianConnect users can now track and filter their PC Mobile licenses directly through the ClinicianConnect Inventory page, further streamlining their ability to oversee their license inventory and usage in real time.

New Feature: Sort By “Device Type” Available On The ClinicianConnect Inventory page’s PC Mobile tab

  • To provide additional customization and filtering within the Inventory page, ClinicianConnect users can now sort their PC Mobile licenses by four prospective device types:
    • Android phone
    • Android tablet
    • iPad
    • iPhone

Improvement: “Unassigned Date” Column Added to ClinicianConnect’s Tablet Tab

  • Users will see the addition of an “Unassigned Date” column within the Tablet tab on ClinicianConnect. This new column provides clinicians with the date (MM/DD/YYYY) a tablet was unassigned from a patient, as well as the AM/PM time (HH:MM) in the clinician’s time zone.
  • Additionally, the “Assignment Date” column will be renamed to “Assigned Date” in order to unify the naming convention across both columns.

Improvement: “Reset Metrics” Option Added for ClinicianConnect and PatientConnect Mobile Users

  • Clinicians gain the ability to reset metrics within the Activity, Medication, Survey, and Weight modules - providing clinicians with the ability to have a patient submit additional readings. Previously, these modules were limited to one reading per day.
  • If a clinician resets a PatientConnect Mobile user’s Activity, Medication, Survey, or Weight modules, it results in the removal of the green “item completed” check mark. Patients can then record additional readings for Activity, Medication, and Weight modules, and a replacement reading for the Survey module.

Improvement: Updated Naming Structure from “Wound Imaging” to “Imaging” in Select ClinicianConnect Locations

  • We’re updating our language for one of our metric modules and the “Wound Imaging” module now appears as the “Imaging” module in certain areas. You will see “Imaging” when viewing the Overview, Historical Data, and Imaging Files tabs within a patient’s profile.
  • This module re-naming will provide users with clarity into the true functionality of the module and its ability to image more than just wounds. It will not impact or augment the module’s functionality in any way.

Improvement: Loading Spinner Added to the “Assign Patient to Clinician” Dropdown List in ClinicianConnect

  • Users receive enhanced clarity of the Assign Clinician modal’s “Assign Patient to Clinician” dropdown menu’s loading status with the introduction of a loading spinner.
  • ClinicianConnect users clicking on the “Assign Patient to Clinician” dropdown will see a loading icon while the clinician list populates. Once the clinician list loads and is available for the user, this loading icon will disappear.
  • Clinicians will see this loading spinner in three locations:
  • When assigning a clinician from a patient list
  • When assigning a clinician from the patient profile
  • When adding a clinician to a Zoom call

Improvement: Subgroup Visibility Limited to Assigned Clinicians Only

  • Within ClinicianConnect’s Overview tab, clinicians who are not assigned to a particular subgroup will no longer be able to click on that subgroup. If a user hovers over and attempts to click on a subgroup they are not assigned to, a circle-with-line icon will replace their cursor and the text “Filters are disabled” will appear.
  • This update refines a clinician’s visible subgroups to only those subgroups they are assigned to. Clinicians accessing the Overview tab will still see their organization’s tablet inventory.

Bug Fixes

  • With the goal of making ClinicianConnect an even better experience for all clients and clinicians, we’re addressing a handful of bugs that impact the platform’s overall friendliness.

January 13, 2021

ClinicianConnect Version 1.106 (Alps Release) provides targeted updates to PatientConnect (Tablet) and CaregiverConnect (Mobile). This release addresses one improvement to the PatientConnect’s “on hold” message for tablet users and one bug within the CaregiverConnect platform.

Additionally, you may have noticed the new naming nomenclature for our releases (in conjunction with the version number). Each of our 2022 ClinicianConnect release names will have a nature theme to them, beginning with “Alps”.

Improvement: PatientConnect Tablet Technical Support “On Hold” Messaging

  • Patients now hear an in-depth message while on hold after contacting HRS’ Technical Support Team through their tablet. The new message provides the caller with enhanced instructions and expectations when they wait to speak with an HRS Technical Support Team member.

Bug Fix

  • CaregiverConnect Mobile users see an improvement to the platform’s usability


August 25, 2021

ClinicianConnect features polished, more efficient clinician workflows and higher-quality patient services with the release of ClinicianConnect Version 1.100. Users benefit from the introduction of our billing interface function, while a multifaceted redesign of our PatientDirect Inventory page improves its layout and functionality. We continue to enhance your overall experience through bug fixes and performance improvements as well.

New Features: ClinicianConnect’s Enhanced Billing Reports

ClinicianConnect’s Enhanced Billing Reports and Video Call functions become more convenient with additional note capabilities.

  • Clinicians can now add notes directly from the video call screen via the new “Add Note” button. “Add Note” will appear after the call ends, as well as if the call goes unanswered or is denied.
  • Within the Note functionality, the “Time Spent” and “Communication Type” fields will automatically populate upon completion of a call. “Time Spent” is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds. “Communication Type” will auto-populate as Video.
    • Both fields will also populate in a note’s free text section.

CC 1.1 - Note Text

  • The Video Call Screen now features the most recent incoming call from, and outgoing call to, a patient.
    • The “Last incoming call” line includes date, time, and the call status (declined, missed, or complete). The “Last outgoing call” line includes date, time, the clinician that made the call, and the length of the conversation.

CC 1.2 - Add Note Button with Call Info

  • The Add/Edit Note screen now includes “Add Encounter Type” so clinicians can quickly and easily document patient interactions for billing purposes.
    • The new “Add Encounter Type” functionality is a single-select list that matches existing fields within the Add/Edit Notes modal.
    • “Encounter Type” auto-populates if a clinician edits a previously-submitted note.
    • Clinicians can select from these Encounter Types: 
      • Equipment Set-up (RPM-99453)
      • Device Supply, Summary of services (RPM-99454)
      • Patient Communication (RPM-99457, RPM-99458)
      • Consult/establish care plan or care plan review (CCM-99487)
      • Extended consultation, establish/review care plan (CCM-99489)
      • Minimum 20 minutes of care plan review (CCM-99490)

CC 1.3 - Select Encounter Type

New Feature: PatientConnect Mobile Consent Form Reset

  • Clinicians now have the ability to reset a PatientConnect Mobile user’s consent form status. This can be done through the ClinicianConnect “Reset Metrics” button.
  • If a clinician resets a patient’s consent form, the PatientConnect Mobile app will prompt the patient to complete the form again.

CC 1.4 - Reset Patient Metrics

Improvement: Tab-Based Redesign Of Inventory Page

  • ClinicianConnect users now see their Inventory page organized into two tabs:
    • Overview
    • Tablet
  • The Tablet tab will only appear if a user has tablets enabled in their environment.
  • The Overview and Tablet tabs house all the information present in the previous layout.
    • The Overview tab displays cards for Total Tablets, Total Assigned Tablets, Total Unassigned Tables, and Active PC Mobile Licenses
    • The Tablet tab includes your Device Inventory table

CC 1.5 - Tabs Layout

Improvement: UI/UX Design and Functionality Within Inventory Page Tabs 

  • The Overview tab is responsive and the cards stack vertically if a user reduces their window size, keeping information visible.
  • Refinement to the Tablet tab’s column nomenclature, order, and functionality, in addition to added row striping, increases user understanding and readability.
  • Enhanced the Inventory page’s CSV export functionality.

CC 1.6 - Tabs Layout Responsive

Improvement: Applying Overview Tab Filter Automatically Shows In Tablet Tab

  • If users select a filter on the Overview tab, it will automatically send the user to the Tablet tab and apply the filter to the Device Inventory.

Improvement: Filters Added To “Tablet” Tab

  • The Tablet tab now features extensive filter capabilities, based upon the tab’s displayed columns.
  • The filters include Device, Assigned Patient, Device Subgroup, Activity, and Duration (0-7 days, 8-14 days, 15-30 days, 31-90 days, > 90 days).
  • Selecting a filter on the Overview tab applies that filter to the Tablet tab. Filters are structured to match column order and title.

CC 1.7 - Device Inventory Search

Improvement: Inventory Overview • “Maximum Licenses” Note

  • Users will now see their “Maximum Licenses” below their PC Mobile Active Licenses, if applicable for their organization.
  • Any organization with unlimited licenses will not see this text present.

Improvement: Dropdown Menu Multi-Selection Tool

  • When selecting multiple options within a filter, users will now see a “string” layout counting the number of selections rather than “pill boxes” doing so.
    • This selection tool refinement appears throughout ClinicianConnect on the following pages: 
      • Add Patient
      • Add/Edit Clinician
      • Patient Settings
      • Reports Tab
      • Device Inventory Table (Tablet Tab)
  • Additionally, a search function now exists within a multi-selection dropdown menu if the list contains 10 or more options.

CC 1.8 - Device Search Bar

Improvement: Integration with Tableau

  • HRS is now partnered with Tableau, a visual analytics platform, for reporting.
  • Users see optimized reporting click paths as a result of this integration.
  • Population Reports and Patient Reports page parameters will now show Tableau’s offerings.

Bug Fixes

  • Rectified minor issues impacting ClinicianConnect, PatientConnect Mobile, and PatientDirect, resulting in improvements to platform functionality and user experience.

July 27, 2021

ClinicianConnect 1.91 improves the user’s experiences with ClinicianConnect via updates to, and bug fixes for, the Alert Dashboard. New risk alert categorizations provide clinicians’ with alert prioritizations while multiple improvements to the user interface refine the presentation of patient information.

Improvements: Alert Dashboard Risk Alerts Categorizations

The Alert Dashboard’s Risk Alerts now groups risks to suit clinician workflows, including updates to improve categorization and arrangement.

  • Risk alert categorizations group patients into High Risk Alerts or Medium Risk Alerts, and account for patient Non-Adherence as well: 
    • High Risk: Patients with the most urgent attention needs, based on patient-submitted metrics
    • Medium Risk: Patients with a medium level of attention needed, based on patient-submitted metrics
    • Non-Adherence: Patients who have not submitted metrics within the timeframe defined on the risk alert. Non-Adherence can be defined as High Risk Alerts and/or Medium Risk Alerts.
  • There are two subcategories within High Risk Alerts and Medium Risk Alerts, as well as Non-Adherence Alerts: 
    • Symptoms comprise patient survey responses
    • Biometrics contain all additional metric responses
  • Combinations of the risk alert categories and subcategories create the 5 Alert Dashboard Risk Alert groupings:
    • Biometrics and Symptoms (High Risk)
    • Biometrics Only (High Risk)
    • Symptoms Only (High Risk)
    • Biometrics and/or Symptoms (Medium Risk)
    • Non-Adherence (High and Medium Risk)
  • Patient appearance in the Alert Dashboard table prioritizes the patient’s most urgent status(es). As an example, a patient with at least one High Risk Alert - and also at least one Medium Risk Alert for the same alert type that day - flags as high risk and appears under the High Risk category. The patient’s risk level-specific and group-specific alerts are present there.

PD 1.1 - Risk Alert Categories

Improvements: Alert Dashboard Icon Prioritization

A patient’s Alert Icons now only display for the specific metric(s) within the risk alert level triggered by the patient’s submitted responses. This helps users identify a patient’s risk alert information as an icon will only display if the patient has a corresponding High Risk or Medium Risk metric.

  • Biometrics and Symptoms (High Risk) only shows alert column icons that are high risk
  • Biometrics Only (High Risk) specifically shows high risk biometric icons and only shows Biometrics-specific icons
  • Symptoms Only (High Risk) specifically shows high risk symptoms icons and only shows Symptoms-specific icons

Improvements: Alert Dashboard User Interface

  • The 5 categories of Risk Alerts now include title updates and feature tool-tips. These improve users’ information discernibility and add detail.
  • When two columns are necessary to show all Risk Alerts, the three High Risk alert groupings will appear in the left column while Medium Risk and Non-adherence groupings will appear in the right column.
PD 1.2.1 - BnS High Risk PD 1.2.4 - BnS Medium Risk
PD 1.2.3 - Symp High Risk PD 1.2.5 - Non-Ad HnM Risk


Improvements: Alert Dashboard Column Headers, Filters, and Number of Entries

  • Renamed the dashboard’s Alert column to “Alert Time” and added the timezone set by clinicians as their timezone. This notes the time of alert as it relates to the clinician 

PD 1.3 - Alert Time

  • Improved your experience using dropdown menus and filters through specific language updates. These include:
    • Adjusted the list titles for Status(es), Subgroup(s), Clinician(s), and Device(s)
    • The removal of PC Voice from the Devices dropdown menu
    • The alphabetization of the Select Clinician(s) and Select Subgroup(s) dropdown lists
PD 1.4.1 - Status


PD 1.4.2 - Subgroup


PD 1.4.3 - Clinicians


PD 1.4.4 - Devices



  • Users no longer see the Number of Entries for each of the 5 categories of Risk Alerts color-coded and presented in the upper-left corner of each category.

PD 1.5 - Entries

Bug Fixes

  • Improvements to ClinicianConnect overall UI/UX and the alert dashboard’s functionality

June 30, 2021

ClinicianConnect® Web Portal Version 1.90 enhances your telehealth experience through the addition of multiple new features and the improvement of functionality across key areas. 

Feature introductions include advancements to the Medication Interface and the ability for users to assign Multiple Clinician Subgroups. Clinician users also see an improvement in patient profile survey operability, an adjustment of a Historical Data key term used going forward, and various bug fixes.

New Features: ClinicianConnect® Medication Interface

The ClinicianConnect® Medication Interface offers users even greater navigational capabilities in Version 1.90. These new features improve upon user experiences and how you can utilize features to create the best clinician and patient experiences possible. 

New features to the Medication Interface include:

  • The Medication Reminders Table now offers sort, search, and paginate functions. These help users find, edit, and add medication reminders to a patient’s Care Plan.
  • You can also view a list of a patient’s used and unused medication time slots as part of the Medication Reminders Table. Users automatically see six chronological Reminder Time Slots for each patient. The time of day displays for slots in-use (e.g. 8:00 AM) and “Unused” displays for available time slots.1.1-Sort-Search-Page-Med-Rem-Tbl
  • The addition of three button-based filters provides improved medication list navigation. You can now select from three categories when reviewing a patient’s medication history: Show All, Active Only and Expired Only.
    • Show All displays all active and expired medication assigned to a patient
    • Active Only displays only those medications currently assigned to a patient
    • Expired Only displays only those the medications previously assigned, but no longer active, for a patient 1.2-Act.Exp.All-Sort-Buttons
  • In order for users to more efficiently manage patient medication reminders, the ability to bulk update all medications assigned to a time slot is now available. You will receive a message prompt stating the time slot “Change will affect [#] medications in the table below.
    • It is important to note that only a patient’s active medications can fill these six time slots. Times previously assigned to currently-expired medications are ignored. 1.3-Bulk-Change-Med-Timing

New Features: Multiple Clinician Subgroups

ClinicianConnect® now offers you the ability to assign users to multiple clinician subgroups. This impacts the appearance of specific pages and windows, and how you interact with them, including Profile Settings, Add Patient, Assign Clinician, Add a Clinician, and Edit Clinician. An explanation of each follows:

  • Profile Settings: A clinician user’s Profile Settings page now displays all subgroups the clinician is assigned to.2.1-Prof-Settings-Subgroups
  • Add Patient: If a clinician user appears in multiple subgroups, and creates a new patient profile through the Add Patient window, the user can assign the new patient to a desired subgroup that the clinician user is also assigned to. 2.2-Add-Pat-Subgroup
  • Assign Clinician: If you reassign a patient to a clinician with multiple subgroups, you can now select from that clinician’s subgroups and assign the patient to the proper subgroup via the Assign Clinician window. Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 11.51.58 AM
  • Add a Clinician: Moderators can add clinicians and assign subgroups for the clinician through a dropdown list within the Add a Clinician window. 2.4-Add-Clinician
  • Edit Clinician: Moderators are able to add or modify clinicians’ assigned subgroups through the Edit Clinician window. 2.5-Edit-Clinician

Improvement: Removing Risk Level From Patient Profile Survey Questions

  • ClinicianConnect® users now have the ability to remove high or medium risk levels for individual survey questions on a patient profile. Previously, switching the risk level to null or blank would not save the empty value upon refreshing the page.

Improvement: Terminology

  • You’ll notice a terminology update to a Historical Data View key term in order to better reflect the status of a patient’s profile. You will now see “Pending Deactivation” in place of “Discharged” when a patient’s profile is placed into a Pending Deactivation status.

Bug Fixes

Your ClinicianConnect® experience improves through issues fixed within ClinicianConnect Version 1.90:

  • Took care of some bugs in PatientConnect Voice and ClinicianConnect
  • Minor ClinicianConnect UI/functionality improvements
  • Minor EMR functionality improvements